It's taken me some time to really formulate my opinions on the Occupy Wall Street groups here after known as OWS, or as I like to think of them, Out of this World Stupid. The OWS crowd seems to have a collective mish mash of goals, ranging from socially progressive to just plain stupid. A lack of a coherent message or even a structure will ultimately be this group's downfall, never mind the idiocy of their practice. A great many news commentators on CNN, MSNBC or various other liberal news organizations have compared the OWS crowd to the Tea Party, well I've got news for them, as a Tea Party Conservative I would never allow someone at a rally to have sex in public, smoke marijuana, fight a policeman, run naked, or otherwise act like an idiot. It's these behaviors that detract from the message. Now don't get me wrong, I couldn't disagree with their message more strongly, but I do believe in their right to protest. Now back to the Tea Party comparison, the Tea Party has never, to my knowledge, gathered in a place to protest where they didn't first gain the necessary permission and permits. Also when the Tea Party protests are held they clean up after themselves and certainly never urinate or defecate on the ground. We don't erect tent cities in public parks and we almost certainly don't espouse hatred. As far as I know there have never been wide spread arrests at a Tea Party rally, even though some democrats would like to lock us all up, and it has never been necessary for police in riot gear to surround us and push us out of an area where we would be openly violating the law.
Now as far as the OWS messages, the premise behind their protest is standing up for the 99% against the 1% or some variation there of. They are against capitalism and support a socialist agenda although some of them admittedly don't really know what capitalism is. I find it amusing that they are actively seeking out donations because they don't wish to engage in capitalism, however I wonder if they've ever considered that were it not for capitalism there would be no donations for them to receive. It is rather hard to donate to a cause without first engaging in some means of acquiring the goods to be donated by commerce. It is possible to assume that the donated goods could be manufactured by hand, however that would require producing the necessary raw materials since without capitalism it would be impossible to purchase them. Then there's the OWS's desire to eliminate banks well without banks how would they get the monetary donations they are frequently requesting. Of course there's also technology, it's hard not to notice the IPhone, blackberry's, laptop computers and various other devices you see at a OWS rally, not to mention the wireless Internet and phone service they depend on to get on Social networking sites like Facebook, those are all products of a capitalist society. I think by now many of you will start to get the point, that while OWS has all these strongly held beliefs, well they seem to ignore them in the interest of self preservation.
I've had trouble ignoring the stories being shown on the news networks, one that comes to mind is a 20 something african-american male who was on his knees in front of a bank screaming that the bank had taken his parents home. He claimed how his parents had worked hard and had college degrees but were unemployed and lost their home to this evil bank. Now this kid ended up being arrested for impeding traffic and resisting arrest. However with some investigation discovered that this kids story was slightly flawed. His parents had in fact lost their suburban home, not to the bank but to the people they sold it to. Why did they sell it? Oh, they sold it because the suburban neighborhood they had lived in for many years had become a little too conservative for them and they wanted to move somewhere more liberal where they felt comfortable. Not only that but the parents were not unemployed, they were quite gainfully employed and between them had multiple graduate degrees, they were quite shocked to learn that their son had been arrested and saw his antics on TV and wondered why he wasn't at George Washington University Law School where he was a student, they had been paying his tuition. This is just one example albeit a well televised one that shows the hypocrisy and even out right lies employed to try to affect social change in the name of progressives.
There is also the unavoidable relationship between these OWS protesters and communist and socialist groups with wide ranging agendas. Politicians on the left have jumped at the chance to align themselves with this group of protesters but in doing so may have made a slight miscalculation, just because this group reports that it is protesting in the name of the 99%, I wonder just how many of the 99% want to be associated with them or have their elected officials associated with them. I could be wrong but just maybe, there are a lot of Americans who will have a serious issue with their elected representatives supporting a bunch of pot smoking hippies who don't care about common decency or basic sanitation.
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